Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Use of Loss

While loss is generally considered a sad or unfortunate thing, but I rather use this theme to explain and promote the positive aspects of absence; I’m an advocate of respecting and accepting the state of being without. Through losses, one can gain a richer and stronger appreciation for both success and belongings. My feelings on loss, I believe that possessing : neither material possessions nor the joy of success are the real keys to happiness.
A battle that could be considered both, literal in the sense of a war, or more symbolic as it could act as the anthem for any type of loss or failure. Success or winning is most valued by those who never prevail. Loss creates the strongest appreciation for a win. This implies that necessity is the only way in which to understand what you want. an actual battle has taken place by saying:
Not one of all the purple Host Who took the flag today Can tell the definition So clear of Victory.
Winners cannot value their victory. In fact the defeated group understands the meaning of victory when "The distant strains of triumph/ Burst agonized and clear!" the dying soldiers comprehending the meaning of winning the battle in a way that the victors never will. The reason that the winners can't understand the significance of their victory is that they did not taste defeat. The loss of a battle demonstrates to the unsuccessful how far they are from feeling the exuberating of success. Being in a losing state, at least sometimes, is better than winning all the time. The deflated feeling of being unsuccessful increases the state of appreciation one has for winning.
I remain consistent in the theme of loss but take an approach that is more appropriate for everyday life. One is happier and more contented when they are in a state of want. It is the moment before one receives what one wants that are the most fulfilling. The anticipation of obtaining the objects of desire creates an appreciation for the object that is lost upon possession… This satisfaction inhibits one's motivation to strive for more. To want, will be one's companion forever because we will always tend to want either something else or more of the same. A "commissary" as defined in Webster's Dictionary, is a person to whom special duties or trust is assigned. Want as this personified companion, is an unavoidable and persistent being. The fulfillment of human desire is to be fully satisfied would be an abnormal and unnatural state for human beings. This emphasizes the point that the anticipation of being satisfied creates the most joy. Humans are rarely completely satisfied but that this state of desire and necessity is a positive thing. Not only does it help one to appreciate gaining what they do not have, but it also creates a motivation that keeps one striving for higher goals. If we all had everything we wanted, what would keep us going?
Positive point of view of loss is through that not lost the feeling of want and desire. These states of being are natural and that they inspire people to strive for more and better things. Whether that motivation be to win a battle or obtain a material possession, the goal is still the same. In turn, that goal can't exist without the feeling of loss. The unfortunate people are those who win or possess things too easily. They do not have an appreciation for the things they have or their success because losing is the best way to relish victory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I suppose, you know better than me, that in the context of the current war it´s useless to talk about winning. As well as in context of any other fight.
As for me, it´s possible to win only when there is an honest competition between someones who want to show their best and to make others see their acheivements. Also, everyone can feel a pleasure of winning "killing a dragon" inside of himself everyday.
Certainly, there is no win when something gets destroyed, and vice versa, there is no loss when something wonderful is built, I suppose.
At the end of all, we all are the whole organism. While heart fights with lungs, there is no health.