So, I'm attaching you the pictures of the Montserrat mountain and a monastery there. It's a great place, I must admit. Just take a look at the mountain's structure!:) (Elena)
Actually when i received these pictures from my friend Elena, i thought 1st it's in Russia, even the architecture don't look like orthdox Russian but more benedictine one. i surf google to find that this mountain is in Spain, and it has some legends around it.
Thank you Elena
Montserrat or Monserrat (both: mon"sur?t', mont"–, Catalan monsur-rät', Span. m?ns?rät') [key], mountain, 4,054 ft (1,236 m) high, NE Spain, rising abruptly from a plain in Catalonia, NW of Barcelona. On a narrow terrace, more than halfway up its precipitous cliffs, is a celebrated Benedictine monastery, one of the greatest religious shrines of Spain. Only ruins are left of the old monastery (11th cent.). The present monastery was built in the 18th cent. and restored after being destroyed by French troops in 1812. It has a valuable painting collection, library, and museum. The Renaissance church (16th cent.; largely restored in the 19th and 20th cent.) contains the black wooden image of the Virgin which, according to tradition, was carved by St. Luke, brought to Spain by St. Peter, and hidden in a cave near Montserrat during the Moorish occupation. In the Middle Ages the mountain, also called Monsalvat, was thought to have been the site of the castle of the Holy Grail. At Montserrat, St. Ignatius of Loyola devoted himself to his religious vocation just before the founding of the Society of Jesus.
The Legend:
Everywhere, the Mankind ever desire try to watch the own face self-reflected in a bigger one. Rally, people is able to recognize that every human face -between all the things in the world- it´s the best image, because contains all the five human senses. In the "Landsat" NASA photosatellite of Mt. Montserrat (NE. of Spain), the conjunction of its most high peaks look like a "Human Face" image with severe expression, as never seen before
The Egyptian god Seth,whom the greeks called Tiphon and identify with the figure of an ass, is the key of the symbolism in my book "The Human Face of Montserrat"(LA CARA HUMANA DE MONTSERRAT), which, in 1990, I finally had to do the photolites and edit myself since the publishing companies were not prepared to do so.The distribution, sales and even the photos were all done by myself and for this reason is probably the last of the "artisan" books in the western world.In this book I have collected together ideas about God and Evil which I assimilated over more than a decade, beginning at the same time as my discovery, in a scale model, of the human face which appears in the aerial view, in my book, of a very circumspected bearded man (these aerial photos were part of the information gathered by a NASA satellite).I then dedicated the second part to summarising, as briefly as possible, all that I discovered written about asses over a period of more than 50 centuries all moralising done in light and amusing way. The only connection between such varied themes is the biblical scene "The Balam's ass".My subliminal intention was to refiried on God and Evil, because in the classical Mediterranean culture the ass represented the horned Egyptian god Seth, the forerunner of the figure later called Satan (I did not was well understood).
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