Tuesday, December 05, 2006

We Have The Right for a Merry Christmas Too

Les chrétiens aussi ont des fêtes
les chrétiens aussi ont le droit de passer leurs fêtes et nous espérons pouvoir profiter de nos fêtes
Le métropolite de Beyrouth, Élias Audeh, s’en est pris, hier, aux organisateurs des manifestations et a affirmé, lors du prêche du dimanche, que « les chrétiens aussi ont le droit de passer leurs fêtes et nous espérons pouvoir profiter de nos fêtes comme les autres le font.
L’archevêque grec-orthodoxe a vivement critiqué les jeunes qui vont manifester et paralyser le pays.

Sommes-nous devenus aveugles ? s’est-il interrogé. « Ce sont ces mêmes jeunes diplômés, dirigés comme des moutons, qui vont manifester aujourd’hui, qui iront demain dire qu’il n’y a pas de travail dans le pays et qui boucleront leurs valises pour quitter le Liban », a-t-il souligné.

Metropolite Elias Awdeh’s (ArchBishop of Beirut and all coastal Phonecia, for Greek Orthdox) sarmon during Sunday’s mass was an attack on the blind people following their leaders like sheep , about the demonstrators in the DT, about the right for us Christians to have a merry Christmas.
He quoted: “Those who are planning our future should not forger we have the right to spend our Christmas peacefully as well”, Why is it that everyone who loves Lebanon is killed?
He continued: ” I am sad to see that all those educated young men are becoming like sheep and not thinking of their future, We are a blind people”.
Our economical situation is at its worst, and i feel bad to see our youth sitting uselessly and demonstratings, because those same people will be cursing Lebanon and leaving in few years time.
He finally concluded that we deserve to spend our holidays and asked those planning for all that to take into consideration that both of ‘us’ have holidays. He always addressed the ‘Saints’ demonstrating asking if they wanna save the country or destroy it? Are they feeding the poor people instead of cursing the government and accusing it of not feeding those?

He ended it with a beautiful quote :
” ان من يجاهر بحبه لهذا الوطن يتم قتله”.

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